How To Do Seo Data Transfer When You Change Your Theme

How To Do SEO Data Transfer When You Change Your Theme?

SEO data transfer is the main step which we need to take when it comes to change the theme of any blog. Though most of the themes come with their inbuilt feature of SEO still there are many themes which don’t have this facility.

For SEO we use some plugins like All in one SEO pack, Yoast , WordPress SEO, etc. In the beginning of the journey of the blogging, newbies try to search the perfect theme for their blog.

There are many themes like Genesis, Thesis, and many other premium and free themes are available in the market.

Why Meta Data Tags Are Needed To Transfer?

First of all, it is required to know about meta data tags. The title, description, keywords etc are considered as meta data tags for any post. Meta data is used to do SEO for your blog.

The information is given to search engine about your blog post using these meta data tags. When you change the theme of your blog then it is required to transfer meta data so that the theme you have uploaded would not loose old SEO for earlier blog posts.

Meta data tags are the key points to be focused on the perfect SEO of your blog. If you notice while writing a blog post, you need to choose some keywords for your post by which people can find your post in search engines.

The title for your post is required and the description for meta tags. When you use any plugin for SEO then you need to use any SEO data transfer plugin which can transfer the meta data from the SEO plugin to any other theme.

How To Use SEO Data Transporter?

SEO data transporter is the perfect plugin for SEO data transfer when we face problem in transferring meta data from any SEO plugin or from any theme to the new one. There are some other plugins but we can’t trust them because of their old version.

SEO data transporter is a WordPress plugin free of cost. It’s so easy to use. There are some simple steps by which we can transfer SEO data from any theme or plugin to other.

Step 1:- Just install the SEO data transporter plugin and activate it. After installation, you will find this plugin in tools you can see in the screenshot shown below.

Step 2:- After the installation, you can start the process for the SEO data transfer by selecting the theme or plugin from which you want to convert the SEO data.

Step 3:- Now you need to choose the platform to which you want to convert the SEO data. You will see many platforms for themes and plugins both. Genesis, Thesis, WooFramework are some theme options included and All in one SEO pack. WordPress SEO and many other plugin options are available in SEO data transporter.

Step 4:- After selecting both the platforms from and to which you want to transfer SEO data you have to analyze the data just by proceeding to click on ‘analyze’ button.

Step 5:- Now the final step is to convert the SEO data. After the completion of analyzing the process, you need to click on the ‘convert’ button.

Smooth Process Of SEO data transfer:

Though for the SEO data transfer using the plugin mentioned above is really smooth process still may be you can face any problem then let me know.

When I have changed my first initial them to Genesis then I have transferred the SEO data from All in one SEO pack to Genesis using SEO data transporter. I didn’t face any problem regarding it. I hope you will also not face any problem in this process.

After the completion of this smooth process, I have got relief from my problem as for beginners, these type of problems are the major issues. Newbies get afraid to do any new thing with their website.

With this simple plugin, you can easily transfer the SEO data. I am sure you will find it effective to use this plugin for meta data tags transfer. I would like to hear from you if you have any problem regarding the process then feel free to share your thoughts.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, I would say this really a lovely post. I have never used seo transporter anytime i change my theme in my wordpress blog because I believe my seo plugins are there and they are doing a great work. I have learnt something new today and also hope to always come here.

    Nice post.


    1. Hi Bob,

      Thanks for stooping by and for your precious comment.

      It’s good to use SEO plugins but when we switch to Thesis, Genesis of any other theme which have their inbuilt SEO then these plugins are not required.

      You are always welcomed here.

      Have a nice day.:)


  2. Hi Ravi,

    I love the SEO Data Transporter plugin. It is so easy to use and it does an awesome job. I discovered it years ago (when I was moving a client site) and it saved me an enormous amount of time. This is a great share for bloggers who are switching themes and don’t want to lose all that precious SEO data.

    1. Hey Sherryl,

      Nice to see you again here after a long time.

      Thanks for dropping your comment. You know it’s always precious for me.

      I hope you are doing good.:)


  3. Hello Ravi,

    By January this year, I migrated from All in One SEO to WordPress SEO. In order not to loose my ranking, i used the seo data transporter to migrate my seo stat to YOAST.

    Your tips are good and should be helpful for all who wants to migrate their seo plugins or theme.

    Thanks for the post and do have a wonderful weekend

    1. Hi Babanature,

      You are right we don’t lose any SEO data while using SEO data transporter.

      Thanks for your precious comment.

      You too have a great weekend.:)


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